İstanbul Enerji Inc.
Istanbul Enerji Inc, which was established in 1962 with the name BEL-PET to trade petroleum and petroleum products, has been reorganized since 2003 by expanding its field of activity to include natural gas imports and electricity generation from Renewable Resources, and renamed as İGATAŞ "Istanbul Gaz ve Akaryakıt Tedarik A.Ş. ” The interaction with the environment during the supply of energy, which has an important place in human life, is an extremely important issue. In this context, the evaluation of renewable resources and the use of environmentally friendly technologies, which come to the fore today, bring important business opportunities. With these studies, the name change has come to the fore in order to accurately represent the field of activity focused on. In this context, the name of the company was changed to "Istanbul Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi" with the general assembly held on 06.03.2006 and this name was registered on 21.03.2006. As of today, it attaches special importance to projects that include social benefits. For more information:
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