Includes the information about the plays, the number of tickets sold, the number of sessions and the occupancy rate, on the basis of categories in IMM City Theaters in 2018-2020.
Data Dictionary
Column | Type | Label | Description |
Repertuvar | text | TR: Repertuvar,oyun planın incelenmiş , seçilmiş oyun listesi. EN: Repertoire, game plan reviewed, selected game list. |
Kategori | text | TR: Kategori,oyunun çeşidi EN: Category, variant of the game |
Oyun Adi | text | ||
Toplam Adet | numeric | TR: Satılan bilet adeti EN: Number of tickets sold |
Seans Sayisi | numeric | TR: Seans sayısı, oyunun sahnelenme sayısı EN: The number of sessions, the number of times the play has been staged |
Doluluk Orani (%) | numeric | TR: Satılan bilet adetinin koltuk sayısına oranı EN: The ratio of the number of tickets sold to the number of seats |
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | July 13, 2020 |
Metadata last updated | July 13, 2020 |
Created | July 13, 2020 |
Format | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet |
License | Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Open Data License |
Download Count | 3 |
Created | Over 4 Years Ago |
Datastore Active | True |
Datastore Contains All Records Of Source File | False |
Datastore Load Complete | False |
Format | Xlsx |
Has Views | True |
Id | 94a0b292-B5f5-454a-B91e-Da6000b528fc |
Last Modified | Over 4 Years Ago |
Mimetype | Application/vnd.openxmlformats-Officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet |
On Same Domain | True |
Package Id | C2ad91ad-E8d8-4cb3-B5cf-E8242b62df9e |
Revision Id | 5e0baeb7-Dba6-4c04-A41f-104cfd6deca0 |
Size | 12.3 Kib |
State | Active |
Url Type | Upload |